A tarpaulin not a mirror when your loved one is falling…                                                                                                Sri Sri

a mirror not a glass when your loved one is praising…

a glass not a tarpaulin when your loved one is criticising…

a diamond not just a glass when your loved one is needing you…

is all that is needed to blossom a relationship….

Like the lotus leaf, let go of the hurts, absorb the pain like a sponge and radiate love like a Neutron!

These are all realized in 3M: Meditation, Motion and Music.
These are all refined through 3S: Sahaj, Sudarshan Kriya and Satsang.
These are nurtured with 3K: Knowledge, Karma and Kindness.

An Awareness about all these nine will create the right field of action for you 🙂

A will to break from your daily monotony of thoughts, action and feelings is the key to this awareness 🙂

Jai Gurudev!