Searching. ..Yes to search is so daunting a task…and to search for something that you are not knowing is so very agonizing.. But why are we searching? What are we searching? What makes us search?

Aren’t we searching something in this blog too?

I am. Searching if I know what I want to…

These days unlike all those earlier days, I suddenly feel so very conscious the moment that I am in.  Like today I was watching something but suddenly could feel something missing. Heavily missing…  So the show went on but I lost track of it. What was I missing? What was I searching? What is this quest for?

What is the purpose of a life that has been gifted to us?  Watch Big Boss, enjoy Sansannniii, eat a full meal for at least thrice a day, enjoy how Aaj tak beats the Indian cricket team even before they play a game against Australia, rest on weekends, worry about Monday blues on a white Sunday morning. That’s it? Well no we can definitely add on. We have so very big purposes in life. Isn’t it?

Some of us are sailing towards out thirties..  some towards the mid thirties…some towards the forties & the some walking towards their graves! Well the winds in some of our lives can blow in the opposite direction too… think  Madonnaaa! So as we sail we have realized that need to build mansions, hunt down a beautiful wife or a handsome husband or these days hunt the same gender! Settle down with a minimum one million dollar or pound or euro (which ever is is on top of the currency charts!).  Get that amazing car, that amazing bike. The list goes on… Great Purposes in Life 🙂  We should really pursue these & we do.  After all we are humans and materialistic souls. Fair enough! But, still don’t we realize sometimes, we still miss something, very heavily in our lives.. I do. This happens when the mind is in extreme silence. And this happens when the world is heavily busy, pursuing things but you suddenly introspect.

So, a few of the boats & some cruises that are sailing towards their purposes will cast their anchors, as they reach their purposes. Then they will probably RIP. Majority  of them will blow out, blow cold, bow out & will be exhausted before they realize their purposes. What about those small dinghies that are never designed to serve their purposes? As Darwin says, it’s the survival of the fittest, these dinghies will never survive. These are like those ordinary individuals we see, those with no bank balances to eat a square meal, those with no means to build their mansions or get that 007  Aston Martin! They are deemed to be as good as dead meat in this man eat man world. But these are the ones that will change the world.

Why? These small dinghies have a great purpose in life, unlike most of us. They love their Search… Because they continuously search for their purpose, their very purpose of being given this life as a gift.

Ok lets ask a simple question. Do we really feel we will be happy if we get the house of our dreams or the perfect partner? Yes why not! Everyone will be.. Whoever says a ‘No’ must had a sandwich of sadness stuffed between the slices of disappointments! Why not, we feel we will be happy!

Yes, we feel so. Read it again. Feel. Feel as when we get the desired,  the precious  (& this has hell lot to do with Golum from the LOTR sequels.. my preciousssssss!) we will be Happy! How true it is… with everyone.  We always desire what we do not behold.  And our thoughts of the future where our desires manifest make us feel happy.  So there is nothing wrong in desiring. But we miss the subtle part of this process. What? What nonsense.. What can we miss now…. Again, the Search 😉

Look around you, right now! Look at traffic zooming now, look at people walking now, hear the conversation of the people around, look at this blog right now at this very line. Intensely. Just for a moment, for a precious single moment be a witness to the proceedings in your mind NOW. What is happening? The traffic is moving in all directions , people along with it searching for something. The people are walking all around searching for something. This blog that you are reading now,  at this line,  you are searching for something. Your mind is continuously searching for something. Everywhere the Search is on… hasty, mad, search.. So what’s the big deal? Nothing,  keep searching around! Cool 🙂

I always search around for my answers in Nature. So does the nature itself  have a purpose?  Does the nature indulge in any search? Do you need to search this in here? 🙂 I want to,  for it will reveal something very beautiful never realized but used so often! What, there can be things more beautiful than your girlfriend/boyfriend (or a mix!) or more beautiful than the newly developed Ambani mansion in Mumbai… What can be more beautiful??  A simple,  purposeful life,  full of search, full of love 🙂 But how does Nature connect to this thought?

Let us all have a simple observation. We see the Sun, the Moon, the rains.. we feel the winds… Have we observed they are really purposeless! Yeah purposeless! Ok the Sun does give us energy, warmth & a lot more. So? If it gives us so many things,  do we think it is the purpose of the Sun? A few may disagree.  I disagree. I say it is it’s Dharma, it’s Duty.  And by it’s very dharma which has now become it’s Nature, it feels as if it is a purpose of the Sun. What if the Sun is also searching it’s true purpose? Like we do our day to day activities, get up, brush, freshen up, eat, rush to work, come back, relax & sleep! I really feel the Sun has a better dharma than most of us 🙂 But what if the Sun decides to just perform it’s duty and a big full stop. It would make him dull, stagnant & then it will blow out.. out of boredom..out of familiarity.The Sun instead keeps searching for a bigger purpose than just serve Mother Earth & Earthlings! There are so many other better purposes it must have! Probably that’s the reason why it keeps burning from Inside. Maybe the urge to have a better purpose is burning him from inside.

Can some one tell why the wind blows in one direction & suddenly changes the direction in the next direction.. It blows just because it want to blow! It doesn’t make an effort to blow, it just blows.. out of purpose.. That’s when it is beautiful, effortless 😉

The Sun, the wind have a purposeless existence but they keep searching for something very purposeful. That’s why we are alive. Else if mother Nature decides to get bored & stop searching for it’s purpose then…. I cannot imagine…

Life really in it’s essence is purposeless. Ask a question to yourself. What is your purpose in life? You will get so many beautiful answers. I want to take my parents on a holiday to Europe, I want to build a bigger & better company than MS, I wan to marry that wonderful lady I love… I want to do this, that… A point will come when you will realize that is this the only purpose? Are you so small?Are you satisfied?Are you not worth any thing more?Are you really sure?

What is your purpose? The day you break out of your routine & get this question, this very day the cruise of your life will turn into a small dinghy. This small dinghy will sail the real growth in your life! You will realize all that you are pursuing is not worth your real purpose. They are just small ports, the bigger port still awaits you.  It is like are a small dinghy powered by the engine of a cruise ship 🙂  You will never be bored,  not a dull moment will pass your life. Keep Searching…

This search, once you realize will lead to some bigger purpose in your life. Once this awareness casts it’s spell on you,  you will suddenly miss something heavily in your life, very heavily. Probably YOU. This search will be painful & it cannot be complex. It is utterly simple. When you are on a small dinghy there are no complications of a huge cruise ship!

Life, as guruji says is utterly simple, it is happening now 🙂  In simplicity we will find the true purpose of our life… Don’t miss the ‘Search’ the subtlest part of the entire process.  There is nothing wrong in getting your desires fulfilled but the entire joy is in the process 🙂 The path is the most beautiful. We reach the destination & realize that’s it? I thought it would give me great happiness!!!

I remember a story… About a gift.. I have twisted it though!

Gautam Buddha was walking on his way towards a village for delivering some knowledge. He was passing a village that did not respect him. As soon as he came across this village,  people started abusing him. They hurled  choicest of abuses at him. Gautam,  the most silent person the earth has ever witnessed, just smiled at them. The smiling Buddha says “Come with me to the next village, a nice knowledge session is happening there”.

Frustrated the villagers asked “You fool! Are you not upset with what we say? Why don’t you feel something?”

Gautam replied, “No”.. then there was a long silence. Everyone was looking at the smiling Buddha:) Then Gautam asks “What if I gave a gift to you & you didn’t take it?” One of the angry villagers replied “You fool, the gift remains with you!”

The smiling Buddha said “Exactly. I treat everything in this world as a gift. The words you said were a gift to me from you”

“If I didn’t take your gift, the gift remains with you!” At this, all the villagers realized the pain in their soul & fell at the feet of the smiling master. He gifted them a purpose 🙂

What ever is a gift to you, if you don’t take it it will remain with the Master.  And a gift is beautiful, purposeful. If a gift is not used, it will waste away in the darkness, in the ignorance.

Life is small degradable gift to us, made to last just 60- 70 years!  Take this gift. Use this gift to find a true purpose of it.

Jai Gurudev 🙂

Love is not an Emotion, it is our very Existence – Sri Sri